What Does Being a Good Advisory Board Member Really Entail?

Just what a good Advisory Board member should do relies heavily on what he or she expects from this board. But I don’t want to get caught up here in the debate on whether they should cater to the needs of the shareholders – or what those needs are. Rather, my interest lies in highlighting…

Color BLIND or Color BRAVE?

Let’s start with a small mental experiment today. Imagine you walked into a room of a major corporation and every single person in the boardroom was black. Wouldn’t you think this is weird? Now imagine that you walked into another Fortune 500 company and all people in the boardroom were white males… When will it…

Michelle Obama v.s. The Populists

As I was driven this evening into New York City for the first module of the Advanced Management program in Media & Entertainment, the taxi driver asked me if Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. While Donald Trump’s shortcomings as a political leader are very clear and have been discussed in this space…
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