African Cities in Motion

Driving once in the middle of Lagos’ traffic hassle, I could feel the driver’s desperation. I told him about people working on the smart cities concept, and how information technology could enhance citizens’ quality of life. I felt then a rather skeptical reaction. Last week, IESE Cities in Motion Index (CIMI) was released. My colleagues…

Global Hazards and Global Business

McKinsey’s recent survey on globalization reveals that geopolitical instability has become a critical influence on global business. Indeed, the number of executives who attribute high importance to the factor of geopolitical instability has doubled in two years. According to the survey data, geopolitical risks are today as important for companies as other previously impactful factors,…

Compliance Alone Is Not Enough

Legislative changes have made compliance a focus for companies over their lifespan. The law is tough, and will only get tougher. Companies cannot neglect any aspect of their observance of the law, because it applies to them all, in an integrated way. And it falls directly on the shoulders of executives, who are running out of excuses…

Agenda 2063 (V): A Peaceful Africa

Last week’s post referred to the WEF meeting that took place two weeks ago in Kigali, Rwanda. One of the blog followers made the following comment: “No economic development will be possible in Africa as long as peace is absent from the process.” I couldn’t agree any more. The comment is in line with my…
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