CEOs: Three Key Challenges for the Future

I am writing from my office at IESE. It is located on the same floor as the office I had here at the school in 1973 after returning from earning my doctorate at Harvard. The two offices are very similar, but it's now 2015. So I wonder: What has changed in all these years? What…

Drivers of African Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship in Africa is in the spotlight these days. Obama’s participation at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Nairobi last weekend brought it to the forefront. I could feel the buzz when I travelled to Nairobi last month. The city was getting ready for the Presidential visit. The GES provides an opportunity for emerging entrepreneurs…

Why does the EU "need" Greece? Five keys

Have we seen the end of the crisis in Greece and the euro with the third bailout? Is the deal good for the EU and Greece? It has been months—if not years—that the "Greece issue" has been in the news, but understanding it requires more than economic analysis. There are other determining factors, such as…

Introverts in an Extraverted Global World

How do you feel about big social gatherings? Do you consider yourself outgoing and at ease with blending into a group of strangers? Does your creativity spur in solitude or during team brainstorming? Do you prefer action or contemplation? As you have most probably sensed by now, all of these questions relate to the well-known…
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