In Search of a Good New Year's Resolution?

In early 2021, labour markets witnessed a huge wave of job quitting, which was termed ‘The Great Resignation’, and much has been written about it. Now, we are approaching the end of 2022 with a newly emerged term, ‘quiet quitting´. In contrast with the ‘loud quitting’ of the resignation wave, ‘quiet quitting’ seems to be…

Nobody fools me!

The usage of social media as a source of news is a common habit in the current consumption of online platforms. Yet, users not only use them as a place to search information and remain updated, in fact they also trust them enough to form their opinion and base decisions solely on the content they…

What about Mastodon?

Twitter's downfall is increasingly becoming a reality; under "Musk's reign," users are in despair and count the days the platform might resist. Fortunately, not all hope is lost since there is a potential alternative to the bird app called Mastodon. It shares similarities with Twitter; it functions as a microblogging network and allows people to…

The ripple effect of trust and the family firm

When searching for a new supplier, investor or manager, what’s your number one criterion? Industry reputation? A core metric? Economic cost or benefit? While all relevant criteria, there is another that trumps them all: trust. Defined in academic literature as the willingness of one party to be vulnerable to the actions of another, trust has…
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