Pygmalion in (African) management

"A lady is a woman who is treated like a lady." You remember probably this line from My Fair Lady. In a classic Harvard Business Review article, J. Sterling Livingston coined the expression "Pygmalion in management." The main point of the article was that "a manager's expectations are the key to a subordinate's performance and…

Digital Density Is Disrupting the Taxi Industry

Digital density has three ingredients: the number of connections, interactions and the amount of information we can exchange through these connections. As digital density is increasing it is disrupting the taxi industry as well as many other analog and traditional business model, says Prof. Javier Zamora. We may arrive at the point where 100% digital…

Cooperating with suppliers

Last week I interviewed the Country Manager for Kenya of a large agricultural trading group. The group originated in Africa, and it operates worldwide. What attracted my attention the most is its cooperative approach to dealing with its suppliers. In this group, they buy commodity products from small farmers, and accumulate their volumes to sell.…
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