Trust in Media: Everyone’s Problem

Why does trust matter? Trust is critical for every institution to gain credibility and build a strong reputation. But it is a complex subject to study since it's subjective and fluctuates through time. But trust is no secret for Edelman. This global communication firm has researched it for the past two decades. Each year, the…

The Expatriate Work–Family Interface: A Case of Self-Efficacy

Expatriate experiences, and adjustment in particular, have been one of the most prominent research topics in the field of global mobility. Rightfully so, given the multitude of challenges that expatriates face, such as increased job responsibilities, excessive travel, major life changes, and dealing with cultural others. Industry surveys (e.g. Santa Fe Relocation) indicate that many…

Annual Report 2021-22

As Aristotle said, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and this is certainly true of IESE’s Chair of Family-Owned Business. Looking back on the academic year, I could not be more pleased with the team's accomplishments and contributions toward advancing the practice and knowledge of family business. We hope you enjoy…

Trust and family firms: what do we know?

Recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, castells are human towers whose origins date back to the early 18th century in Catalunya. At a recent teambuilding event with other IESE faculty, I had the chance to discover their history – and experience first hand! – what it takes to build a castell. They…
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