Africa Present and Future
Driving in Lagos (and Nigeria) is quite something. The daily challenge on my way back home is to access the road: this requires crossing two lanes densely populated with cars, and then turn left. Once there, you have to watch for pedestrians who run across, vans loaded with people that overflow, and other cars aggressively…
Nobody really knows what will happen in terms of Spain’s future growth. Obviously, whatever awaits will depend on many factors, both domestic and foreign. First and foremost, Spanish growth will depend on any and all future reforms and policy measures that the current and future Spanish governments may take. Unfortunately, the reform plans of the…
I’ve been working with entrepreneurs in Europe for the last 10 years and I have heard time and time again a series of “facts” about European entrepreneurship that are closer to myth than anything else. Mostly they are urban legends. An urban legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of stories that may or may…
Africa Present and Future
I have the opportunity to observe Lagos street vendors in action on my daily ride to school. At one round-about which is particularly jammed, dozens of them offer drivers all and any kind of products: ceiling brushes, soft drinks, clocks, CDs, flip-flops, chewing-gum, underwear, posters, soccer team flags (including that of Barça F.C.), magazines, windshield…