Physical and Cyber Wars

For a few weeks now, everyone has been keeping a watchful eye on the war that has exploded when Russia invaded Ukraine. There had been a lot of speculation about what a contemporary war in the Western world would be like and now we are seeing it with our own eyes. Undoubtedly, most predictions foresaw…

What Motivates People to Take on Global Work?

Although travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic are taking a toll on physically mobile people such as expatriates or migrants, the number of people working across national boundaries is nowhere near stagnating. In fact, studies such as the Santa Fe Relocation Global Mobility Survey 2020/21 suggest that the nature of global mobility is evolving…

Purpose is strategy

According to Grant F. Reid, CEO and president of Mars, “Performance without purpose is meaningless, and purpose without performance is not possible. It's the magic combination.” For Mars CFO Claus Aagaard, "Private ownership provides a great platform to live our purpose as we can do the right things and faster without the worry of the…

Linear Broadcasting vs Streaming: the jury is still out

We have known for years that conventional television is losing its influence to the increasing power of streaming platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, Disney+ or Hulu. New generations consume audiovisual content with different patterns from those offered by traditional broadcast networks: they want to be able to enjoy their favorite programs or series at any…
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