Presenting our updated Chair webpage

We are happy to present our updated Chair webpage, created under the umbrella of IESE’s corporate site. In addition to showcasing our academic team and research lines, the new page includes links to our communications platforms (like this blog!), academic publications and corporate sponsors, Fundació Jesús Serra and Caser, whose generosity allows us to continue […]

5 strategies for a new model of family business

As Heraclitus said more than two millennia ago, “Nothing is permanent except change,” yet the very nature of change has shifted dramatically in today’s volatile, hyperconnected and fast-paced world. Family firms are generally better equipped to weather the storm thanks to their comparatively longer-term perspective and financial resilience. Yet other traits aren’t as positive, says […]

The link between family firms and their stakeholders

Global organizations are increasingly integrating stakeholder opinions and ESG objectives in their corporate purpose, an approach that family businesses have been applying for decades. In this recently published Harvard Deusto article, I explore the essential role of purpose and why it should be viewed through a strategic lens: Profundizando en la relación entre empresas familiares […]

Annual Report 2021-22

As Aristotle said, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and this is certainly true of IESE’s Chair of Family-Owned Business. Looking back on the academic year, I could not be more pleased with the team’s accomplishments and contributions toward advancing the practice and knowledge of family business. We hope you enjoy […]