Leadership and People Managenent

Diversity in Global Business: What to Pay Attention to?

Global businesses celebrate diversity. For example, Apple believes that diversity inspires innovation, American Airlines are convinced that diversity translates into business value, and Hilton Worldwide state that diversity is fundamental to their success. Indeed, as stated in one of my previous blog posts, research supports the benefits of diversity, showing its positive links to business…

Frequent Business Travel: From Romance to Criticism to Realism?

How would you picture a business traveler? Would you have an image of a successful person in a smart casual business outfit, who is extremely efficient arranging work matters over the smartphone or an ultrathin laptop, while sipping a take-away coffee in an airport lounge? That would be the average picture you get from Google,…

The Ageing Workforce: Experience Never Gets Old?

The other day I watched the movie Intern. It is a light and entertaining comedy, which also makes some good points. Specifically, the story features a 70-year-old widower Ben, played by Robert de Niro, who becomes a senior intern at an online fashion company run by young and ambitious Jules (played by Anne Hathaway). Although…
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