Leadership and People Managenent

Into Africa: Routes to Failure and Success!

When I told a Spanish friend about my engagement with Africa, she said: “I’d love to go there and get them organized!” I thought to myself, “Thank God you’re not going!” My friend’s attitude is the same as that of some MNCs and NGOs: it's an ethnocentric perspective that doesn’t recognize country differences – not to mention the value of…

‘Caring Economics’ Towards a Better World

Mediterranean refugee crisis and xenophobia. Eurozone and Greece bailout. War in Ukraine. ISIS. These are just some of the latest world news headlines, the ones that reflect the current geopolitical instability, and involve a lot of arguing, in-group out-group categorizations, blaming one another, confrontation, fear, aggression and intolerance. These issues are global, hence we need…

HQ Involvement with Its Subsidiaries: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Multinational businesses expand their operations worldwide by establishing subsidiaries abroad. Given that a subsidiary is an asset of the multinational company and serves the economic aims of the business headquarters (HQ), HQ-subsidiary interdependence and a continuous relationship seem to be unavoidable. The degree of interdependence naturally differs with the degrees of freedom granted to the…
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