Innovation and Change

What is Corporate Venturing?

Steve Jobs said once that his model for business was The Beatles: “They were four guys who kept each other’s kind of negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other, and the total was greater than the sum of the parts” (60 Minutes, CBS, 2003). This is also the idea behind Corporate Venturing, great things happen…

Looking Outside: How to Sense Opportunities in The Market

We’ve designed organizations that fail to respond to changes in the market. I tried to highlight this idea during my session in  the TEDxIESEBarcelona – hosted at IESE campus and organized by the MBA Innovation Club. Opportunities and risks are born outside. Other organizations and people are taking action that changes the conditions of our own organizations. Yet, our organizations are designed to…

Does Pain Cause Creativity?

If we look at the history of art and artists we see that many artists did their most creative work during the most painful phase of their lives. Pain makes everything human. It makes one empathize with others. And empathy is the greatest gift for creativity
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