The Taxi Strike

Barcelona has been shut sown by a Taxi strike which is quickly spreading to other cities in Spain and Europe. The origin of the strike is a ruling by a Spanish court that the compromise deal that the city struck between the taxi drivers and the city concerning the entry of Uber and its competitor […]

Looking Outside: How to Sense Opportunities in The Market

We’ve designed organizations that fail to respond to changes in the market. I tried to highlight this idea during my session in  the TEDxIESEBarcelona – hosted at IESE campus and organized by the MBA Innovation Club. Opportunities and risks are born outside. Other organizations and people are taking action that changes the conditions of our own organizations. Yet, our organizations are designed to […]


Does Pain Cause Creativity?

If we look at the history of art and artists we see that many artists did their most creative work during the most painful phase of their lives. Pain makes everything human. It makes one empathize with others. And empathy is the greatest gift for creativity


How Do You Stimulate Creativity?

Innovation is about translating creativity into valuable opportunities (and then capturing the value). But is creativity something that can be generated or driven within companies? And if so, how? Innovating Without Creativity  Let’s take an innovation process such as design thinking. Take a problem, gather data, brainstorm, prototype and you have the solution to your […]

Bell Labs are back

For most of the 20th century the corporate lab dominated technological innovation. Then it lost its position to venture capital-funded startups. But now the idea of corporate labs being central to innovation is back. New technology giants such as Google and Facebook are creating new corporate labs, but this time the logic is different. In […]