Africa rising: no question!

Early this year, I wrote a post titled “‘Africa Rising’ – Under question?” The report McKinsey released last month “Lions on the move II: Realizing the potential of Africa’s economies” has brought the discussion back to the forefront: Africa is rising – no question about it. But Africa is not one country, one economy, one…

Corporate Volunteering: Better for the World (OR) AND for the Business?

Volunteering. What kind of ideas does this word evoke? I suggest the majority of us would think about local NGOs, student gap years and volunteering activities during retirement. Moreover, when thinking about international volunteering, wouldn’t we associate this quite naturally with lower-skilled activities, such as construction, farming or gardening, childcare and language teaching? In other…

Your Next Car Might Be Electric!

Electric cars are the main protagonists at this year's auto show in Paris. Volkswagen, Mercedes, Renault, PSA, Opel and Porche are also showing new concepts, production cars or both and all appear to be pursuing electric vehicles indicating that the technology may be going mainstream.
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