Chinese Travelers: The More Outbound Movement, the More Tensions?

I guess we have all seen, heard or experienced the notorious Chinese tourists – the flag-following groups with impressive photographic equipment, who seem to be everywhere. Although the first part of the description can be easily seen as stereotypical, the notion about them being ubiquitous seems to become more and more supported by actual numbers.…

Guangzhou Aims to Become a Global City

During the last decade, the Chinese city of Guangzhou has been endeavoring to build an internationalized metropolis. In its recently released 2035 Master Plan, Guangzhou aims at becoming a dynamic and vibrant global city. To move towards this objective, the Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences (GZASS), a leading think tank in southern China that provides…

Cosmopolitan Imaginary: Insights from the Latest Research

How do we understand the idea of cosmopolitanism? As an ideology and notion of self that doesn’t belong to any culture or country? As belonging to the world as a whole with no narrower cultural identifications? According to Gianpiero Petriglieri of INSEAD, cosmopolitanism is the aspiration to become a citizen of the world, it is…

IESE Cities in Motion Index 2018

Once again, we are pleased to present the fifth edition of our IESE Cities in Motion Index (CIMI). We have observed with great satisfaction how various cities, companies and other social actors have used our study to carry out a comprehensive first diagnosis and an initial benchmarking of other major cities through comparative analysis. As…
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