Obama's Legacy

In the United States, a President can only serve for two, 4 year terms so whatever happens in November, Barak Obama will finish his second term and his presidency will become the subject of historians. As the U.S. presidential election approaches its frenetic sprint to November, Obama has become somewhat reflective and is increasingly speaking…

Smart Cities’ Challenges in Africa

Caught in the midst of traffic at Lagos after attending a discussion about the electricity challenges in Nigeria, I told my driver about how smart cities would improve people’s lives. He gave me a skeptical look, which I interpreted as “will I ever see this come true…?” I read recently an article about strategies for…

‘Immigrants Steal Jobs’ or ‘Should We Listen to Mr. Trump?’

As the rally for the U.S. presidency continues, Trump continues his anti-immigrant rhetoric, arguing that illegal immigrants, referring mostly to Mexican immigrants, take away jobs from struggling America’s poor. Naturally, such sentiments built upon fear and a perception of scarce resources may work well with less informed or frustrated and worrying individuals, as we have…
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