Writers’ guild is back!

Over the past few months, we’ve been closely following the writer’s strike in Hollywood. These professionals, awakened to the use of artificial intelligence in creativity, and fueled by sustained dissatisfaction over unfair compensation and missing bonuses for hit productions, brought the Hollywood industry to a standstill when their creative minds declared “enough is enough.” Initially, […]

From Twitter to X

Just when we thought the Twitter/Musk chronicles had settled and a balance had been struck between the CEO’s personality and the company’s profitability, Elon Musk surprises us yet again with what could be the ultimate bold decision for Twitter. Perhaps drawing inspiration from Facebook’s rebranding, Musk is set to completely rebrand the social media platform, […]


The new scammers

Product placement and the influence of prominent figures have become significant sources of additional income within the realm of social media platforms. Even Netflix has utilized the strategy of product placement in their TV series and movies to bolster revenue and generate cash flow. However, the practice of hidden advertising has escalated to a point […]


Writer’s Guild Strike

Creativity seems to have lost its allure as a source of entertainment. The witty one-liners that once graced American sitcoms and TV shows now resemble an old tale. The relentless consumption of media has shaped the preferences of users, leaving TV scripts as an unusual source of entertainment. Nowadays, audiences crave fast paced and often […]