Facebook’s “Supreme Court” will change very little

Back in September, Facebook announced the creation of what is now known as Facebook’s Supreme Court—an oversight board to review appeals to the tech company’s content policy decisions. Around forty independent experts will form the committee later this year, making decisions over the company’s content policy. For Facebook, the board is the perfect ‘scapegoat’ to […]


Advertisers are coming to your favorite messaging app, WhatsApp

Most of our dear social media services belong to one single company, Facebook. Facebook owns its “blue” platform, Facebook, the picture app it bought for $1 billion in 2012, Instagram, and its more recent $19 billion acquisition: WhatsApp, bought in 2014. However, these social media services differ in one fundamental thing—while Instagram and Facebook present […]


2019, the year when Big Tech may shrink

2019 is likely to be an uphill year for Silicon Valley. This week, lawmakers held hearings on Capitol Hill questioning whether Big Tech should continue being big. It seems that Washington DC is ready to uphold stringer antitrust laws to limit the market power of the Four (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.) Antitrust has surprisingly, […]