Internet access inequalities: triggers and remedies

The Internet and the accessibility of technological devices seemed to be the perfect formula to break the educational and cultural barrier that has historically marked differences between diverse social classes. Having all the world’s information accessible at a single click appeared to be the perfect solution for everyone to access universal learning. Over the past […]

Linear Broadcasting vs Streaming: the jury is still out

We have known for years that conventional television is losing its influence to the increasing power of streaming platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, Disney+ or Hulu. New generations consume audiovisual content with different patterns from those offered by traditional broadcast networks: they want to be able to enjoy their favorite programs or series at any […]


YouTubers go mainstream

Social media entertainers and especially YouTubers have traditionally had loyal fan bases on isolated corners of the Internet. Though very successful on their own channels, they would rarely enter the mainstream realm. That, however, is ending. Factors like the rising popularity of Amazon-owned streaming platform Twitch—in February of 2020, Twitch had 3.8 million streamers, while […]