Almost six years have passed since Netflix started streaming House of Cards, its first original show. Before that, shows were produced by studios, sold to networks and aired on linear TV. The consumer sat down on his couch for the 9 PM show he loved and that was it. Now we have hundreds of new […]
Netflix struggles to compete against content moguls
60% of Americans stream content online and more than half of them do it through Netflix. But that might just change unless the company makes some moves. In early 2019, the company announced price increases. Now, the one-stream subscription plan costs $9 instead of $8; the two-stream plan $13 instead of $11, and the most […]
Bandersnatch: Netflix does it again
It’s 1984, and Stefan Butler wakes up at 8.30am ready for a big meeting with Tuckersoft, a video-game company, to show them his video game demo called Bandersnatch. He takes his morning pills, washes his face and goes to the kitchen to have breakfast with his dad. They chat about his video game for a […]